Showing 13–20 of 20 results

Long Day


Early long day open pollinated onion with a dark bronze colour and high yields.

Intermediate Day


Early to mid season intermediate day open pollinated onion with a light golden colour and very good storage.

Short Day


Mid season globe shaped short day yellow/brown hybrid variety with excellent colour and skin retention

Intermediate Day

Regular Pukekohe Long Keeper (RPLK)

Mid to late Intermediate day open pollinated brown onion with excellent storage

Long Day

Sandridge Brown

Mid season long day brown open pollinated variety with excellent storage ability.

Long Day


Mid season long day brown hybrid, high yielding with resistance to pink root

Long Day


Early long day open pollinated onion with a dark bronze colour and a high degree of shine.

Short Day


Mid season globe shaped short day yellow/brown hybrid variety with strong vigour.